Have you ever tried to fill a crossword?
Full of weird chemical elements, towns from eastern Europe and crazy acronyms right?
Well, we made one of these...
A lo-fi one.
With loose definitions and a lot of fun ^_^
And if you happen to be an indie rock aficionado, you'll enjoy this crossword more than the others because we put as much indie rock as we could in it.
We added a mini FAQ for all the weirdos that might try to fill it.
What can I win if I fill it?
A record of our double EP What's inside the heart of seashells?
(You already can download and listen to both EPs here:
What's inside
The heart of seashells?)
Send us your filled crossword to contact@wonderflu.com.
The smart brain that find more letters than the others win.
How can I fill your crossword?
There are at least two ways
1) Download the .doc file and fill it
2) Print the .pdf file and fill it (with a pen for instance), then scan it
How much time do I have to try to fill it?
The whole August month.
We'll have our winner in September.
It's too easy
Well, what are you waiting for, you smart indie rock lover?
Send us your crossword filled!
Have fun 🙂
EDIT (2014/09/23) : And the winner is... Jake !
Congratulations !!!!
We'll get in touch very soon with you to send you our record 🙂
Thanks to everyone that tried.
We hope you all had fun.