You can find here all our ideas that didn't last or that we almost made real
For instance, at the beginning, we gave free CDs at gigs.
They were 2-3 tracks CDs (you never had the same tracks on each CD)
And they were handmade (weird origamis pacakages)
We thought that would make people come back to our gigs
And yes it did
Very well indeed
But it took us too much
- time (fold 100 packages, burn 100 CDs, etc.),
- money (buy 100 CDs, ink , paperboard, etc.)
And it was time and money not going where it should had go : music
So we did it at our first three gigs and after that we were broke and tired
But It was a wonderful experience
And we found a way to make live that spirit with our bastard tracks..
This thing almost became our logo (yep it's true)
Our 1er EP almost had one of these names
(we won't say who suggested what so there's no shame in all this)
Oh My Dog!
Cycle 24
Kill Pills
Luke, I Am Your Fader
Sunset and pancakes
Best of
Kill Your Barber
Barber's killer
Forget About The Barber
Watchout The Barber
Beware Of The Barber
(Didn't you know it? We don't like shaving)